Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Minecraft’s ‘Better Together’ Update Enters Into Beta Testing


Back in June during E3 2017, Microsoft and Mojang announced that Minecraft would be getting an update called “Better Together”. Ultimately what will be happening in this update is that Minecraft would be getting cross-platform support, which means that regardless of which platform you are playing on, you will be able to play with other Minecraft gamers.

The good news is that it looks like the update is rolling out as we speak, but unfortunately for now it is still in beta, but we guess it’s a start. It is also only available for those on Windows 10 PCs and Android devices, but we expect that it will eventually expand to cover all the platforms that Minecraft is available on. It is stated that the beta should find its way onto the Xbox One soon, but no word on the Switch or iOS devices.
However we should point out that for the most part, the update will be applicable to all platforms that Minecraft is available on, save for Sony’s PlayStation 4. According to Sony’s explanation for why they are not supporting cross-play, it is because they feel like by doing so, there are certain things out of their control, such as being able to protect their younger audiences, which is something they’ll be able to do better within the PlayStation universe.
It is a fair point, although it is a bit of a pity since right now the PS4 is the only platform that will not be part of the cross-play support, but who knows, maybe Sony could change their minds in the future.

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